Our family went to Camp Zion this weekend with Lindy's parents. This is a church own camp sight about an hour north of us with camping and cabins. It was a lot of fun. They had boating and trails and a fun park for the kids.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Here is a summery of the last year to get our blog up to date. It all started with a Cannon family get together in Utah. Lindy broke her leg on the first day while riding one of Rich's contraptions
The boys got to do a lot of thing that my siblings and I got to do with our cousins growing up, like the rope swing and tubing down the ditch.
Brooke and my dad were nice enough to come help with the boys while Lindy recovered from her broken leg.
The boys enjoy making pop sickles. We weren't to happy when we found their newest recipe in the freezer.
Lindy's parents came back from their mission in Mexico. We had a fun time this summer catching up with them.
Point Defiance Zoo
Eating the spoils of Easter.
Carson really enjoys going camping and we have been able to go several times this summer.