Sunday, June 23, 2013

My parents visited us in Washington. The weather was wetter than we expected, but we still had a lot of fun.

We spent a day at Mt Rainier.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

 We just got back from a Spring Break Vacation. We toured around the Olympic Peninsula and saw some amazing places.  

Cape Flattery

Ruby beach
Keeping the boys shoes dry was tricky.

This thing looked like it could fall down at any second.

Some trees are harder to hug than others.

No, we didn't take the tour. 

Taking it easy at the end of a hike at the Hoh Rain Forest.
We stayed a few nights at some small cabins by the beach.


Lot of running this week.

Chase got some good off-roading done with his new Jeep. That thing handled some pretty tough terrain. 

Cape Flattery is located on the far North-Western corner of the Olympic Peninsula and had the most spectacular views I've ever seen.

The boys had a good time

They loved the stomping sound their feet made running up and down the board walks

Hunter's new thing was going around to all the trees and hugging them and asking to get his picture taken. "This looks like a nice tree to hug." Maybe he has been living in the North-West too long.

The boys love bridges.